CDI Moodle Courses

We are delighted to announce that we have launched the CDI's new online learning platform hosted on Moodle with new courses designed exclusively for career professionals from across the career development sector.

Courses for 2024

First course: Career Development Theories in Practice. Exclusive free course for CDI members - Book now

Led by the renowned Julia Yates of City University, author of the CDI/Trotman series book Career Development Theories in Practice, this self-paced course makes complex career theories easy to digest through bite-sized videos, illuminating podcast interviews, reflective challenges and knowledge checks. Expand your theoretical toolkit and discover new ways to apply ideas in your daily practice. 

We are offering this free course exclusively to all CDI members! This is a great opportunity for you to experience this new learning environment and build on your continuing professional development. To enroll on this free course, please submit your details below. We will send you your login details for the course to your registered email address within a few days of receipt of your sign up. This email will be sent directly from the Moodle platform so please keep an eye on your inbox.

Please note: enrolment gives you 90 days free access to the course.

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Second course: AI for career development practitioners (costed course)- New date coming soon!

Our ‘AI for career development practitioners’ course decodes the AI revolution for you. Absorb online learning at your own pace, then dive deeper in live webinars with course leaders Michael Larbalestier and Marianne Wilson, examining real-world applications across the career lifecycle. Experiment with AI tools through optional projects and build a personalised AI resource toolkit catered to your unique needs. 

New date coming soon!

Third course: Developing supervision approaches and skills for supervisors (costed course)- Book Now

This supervision skills course is brought to you by two leading Registered Career Development Professionals, John Walker from Peninsula Training and Rachel Mallows from The Mallows Company. You will get the opportunity to explore the value of supervision and reflective practice, different roles, styles and models of supervision. 

Throughout the career development sector, supervision plays a critical role in personal development and sustaining good practice within ethical and organisational standards. 

This course introduces and discusses the role and skills needed for supervision to be a powerful vehicle for deep learning and enhanced wellbeing and a key part of professional practice. 

The content includes 3 hours of video material, and we have also included opportunities to think about your own practice and the role of supervision in a reflective journal. This is likely to take a further 3 hours of your time. 

For those completing all sections of the course you will gain a CDI CPD Certificate of course participation.

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