Congratulations to our 2023 awards winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of this year's UK Career Development Awards. Thank you to everybody who attended the event and supported the awards, we hope that you enjoyed this memorable evening.

2023 Winners

Award categoryWinnerJudges' comments
Careers programme – post 16 educationSAMEE (Samantha Everard, Founder)    "What we really liked about this submission was its longevity, having started in 2016 and the 'social return on investment' impact. It was particularly notable that the ethos of the project is very client centred. The accredited training course and support from their exam board are strengths here too, alongside having 'survived and thrived' through the pandemic".
Careers programme – pre-16 educationKat Millmore-Davies, Education Outreach Lead, Solent NHS Trust  "We were very impressed with how the project raises awareness among both young people and teachers about the huge range of NHS careers and were proactively reaching out to marginalised groups including SEND young people and young offenders, to encourage these underrepresented groups to broaden their horizons". 
Careers Leader of the yearTom Corry, Careers Leader, Chertsey High School"Evidence demonstrated a robust and progressive programme of learning and we were particularly impressed by his championing of careers work, not only within the secondary sector but also in the primary sector and beyond. His entry was backed with a wide range of positive endorsements from across the sector".
Innovative employer engagement activityKat Millmore-Davies, Education Outreach Lead, Solent NHS Trust  "This project has the edge in terms of innovation, best practice and sustainability.  It was encouraging to see how young people with wide ranging needs, and particularly those coming from high deprivation areas could get a more accurate idea of the specific working environment of a hospital operating theatre but within a college setting. In terms of sustainability the panel was pleased to note that this was the first of a number of immersive hubs planned across a much wider geographical area".
Private sector Careers Coach/Consultant of the yearCaroline Green, Career Development Expert/Founder of The Talent Cycle"The judges were impressed by the breadth of the evidence provided by Caroline Green. They felt she had amply demonstrated her passion and commitment to the Career Development sector as a whole and her enthusiastic support for her clients and fellow professionals. They particularly applauded the voluntary contribution she makes to the CDI and her efforts to bring the profession to the attention of the public, and consider that she is a worthy winner of Private Sector Career Coach/Consultant of the Year for 2023".
Public sector Careers Adviser/Coach of the yearHannah West, Careers and Employability Adviser, Hampshire Futures, Hampshire County Council"Hannah West is a worthy recipient of the award having demonstrated innovative and creative methods in her role as careers adviser supporting young people in psychiatric inpatient units and secure children’s homes. Her trauma informed approach is a model of best practice, showing a strong commitment to inclusivity and to challenging stereotypes. She has adapted and created a wide range of resources to creatively meet the needs of an often marginalised client group. Hannah also demonstrates a huge commitment to her own professional development to support her role. As such she has clearly made an impressive contribution to the career development profession through her individual practice".
Use of technology in career developmentMorrisby Ltd (Alan Teece, Head of Sales)"Morrisby Higher demonstrates technical innovation and represents a model of best practice in the use of technology in career development to support the career decisions of students". 
Rodney Cox Lifetime Achievement AwardLyn Barham, Career Development ProfessionalThis award is presented annually to someone who has been a champion of careers education and guidance; who has supported the work of the profession in a variety of ways and who stands as representing excellence, having achieved a significant amount in the field of careers guidance.

View the 2023 awards shortlist

2023 Awards programme

Find out about our shortlist entrants and their awards entries, the evening programme and hear from awards sponsors.

Download the awards programme.

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