Check registered professionals

Check if an individual is on the Register

Currently, only those members who have created a Register profile will appear in the search above. We will be adding those without a profile soon and, in the meantime, you can check someone is on the Register using these two lists:



Adam Farrand's avatar

Adam Farrand


I currently work as Careers Lead at a secondary school in Oldham and hold a Level 6 diploma in Careers Development. I'm

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Simmi Patel's avatar

Simmi Patel


I am a dedicated and experienced Careers Adviser at Soar Valley College, a secondary school in Leicester. With a strong passion for helping students n...

Alessia Pinna's avatar

Alessia Pinna


I hold an MA in Career Guidance from the School of Psycology of Padua (Italy) and a MA in Education and Development from

Alex Pye's avatar

Alex Pye


A focused, dedicated & multi talented professional with skills in a broad range of areas, I am highly motivated towa

Alexander Parsons-Moore's avatar

Alexander Parsons-Moore


I am currently a Careers Leader at Nicholas Chamberlaine School in Bedworth. I have a particular interest in the use of

Ali Sheriff's avatar

Ali Sheriff


I did my Diploma in Careers Guidance (DCG) in 1994 and completed the L2 the following year.  I have been with Hertf

Alice Moon's avatar

Alice Moon


Alice Moon, PhD, FHEA. Career Coach // Career Educator // Tech Careers // Global Careers // Students and Graduates // Ca

Alison Danks's avatar

Alison Danks


  Connexions Sandwell provides high quality independent and impartial Careers Information, Advice and Guidance, thr

Alison Dixon's avatar

Alison Dixon


I am a qualified careers adviser and careers information specialist who specialises in writing on careers for both young

Alison Hitchings's avatar

Alison Hitchings


Over 20 years' experience in contract management and leadership of teams delivering IAG services in a wide range of venu

Alison Williams's avatar

Alison Williams


  An approachable, conscientious and versatile professional with over 15 years experience in HR, Recruitment and Ou

Alistair Stirling's avatar

Alistair Stirling


Alistair brings a wealth of experience to his role as a careers professional having worked in leisure and education both

Showing 1 of 61 pages

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