CDI members' resources library

Login as a member to access our extensive library of CPD resources. With over 600 recorded webinars, documents and more, the CDI offers one of the most extensive libraries of career development resources.

Log-in to the members' resources library.


CDI Research Directory

As a membership organisation, we are keen to see policymakers and practitioners use the best available evidence to make decisions. 

To these ends, our Research Directory contains links to key papers, reports, theses and articles from the academic literature, government and policy bodies and commercial institutions that a) make the case for careers guidance and b) inform best practice.

Career Development Framework

The Career Development Framework is available from primary to further education.

We have lots of resources to support you using the framework to ensure you have the right outcomes for your students.

Sponsored webinar recordings

Sponsored webinar recordings

View recordings of webinars the CDI have hosted with our partner organisations, providing relevant information and expertise across a range of topics. From the NHS series of webinars to product overviews and 'how to' guides, these webinars are available to members and non-members for free.

Also keep an eye out for upcoming webinars which will be added here.

Public webinar recordings

View the CDI’s webinars that were free to anyone working in, or interested in, career development. These include debates on increasing the talent pipeline for the careers workforce, and supporting refugees.

Public webinar recordings

Quality management

The CDI promotes the provision of high quality careers services across all services supporting young people and adults. Careers education, information, advice and guidance delivered by qualified professions within quality frameworks has the power to change the lives of individuals and benefit the economy and society.

Explore quality management frameworks.

Quality in Careers Standard

Quality in Careers Standard

National quality award for CEIAG in schools, colleges and work-based learning.

matrix Standard

matrix Standard

International quality standard for organisations delivering information, advice and guidance. 

Quality in schools and colleges

Quality in schools and colleges

Quality Assurance frameworks for schools and colleges across the UK nations.

Quality assurance of career development interventions

Quality Assurance of career development interventions

The CDI's framework for QA of careers interventions.

CDI resources

diversity resources

Diversity resources

Links to key resources regarding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

T-Level resources

T-Level resources

Resources explaining the new T-Levels.

Covid-19 resources

Covid-19 resources

A range of resources on careers support during the pandemic.

Best practice briefings and reports

Best practice briefings and reports

CDI briefings and reports to support best practice across all areas of the profession.

Career Matters magazine

Career Matters

Career Matters is the quarterly magazine for CDI members with features, occupational case studies, reviews and much more.

#CDIBigListen member surveys


The #CDIBigListen surveys gather feedback and insight to inform the CDI's work in developing membership benefits and championing career development. 

Careers Assured quality mark

The Career Assured quality mark is awarded to digital resources and CPD activities that meet the requirements career development professionals. Achieving the Award demonstrates that the resources or activities meet a standard of quality against clear and transparent criteria. The quality mark for digital resources assures:

  • the overall level of quality;
  • the value of the resource to support decision making in career guidance;
  • the ethics and standards of the organisation producing the resources or material.

 The quality mark for CPD activities - such as conferences, events and training - confirms that the content, format and hours are appropriate to the subject matter and audience.

Get your resources or activities Careers Assured awarded.

Scroll through the latest Career Assured resources below:

Digital resources

Below you'll find easy access to a range of digital tools and resources offered by the CDI and organisations supproting career development. 

With the increasing dependence on, and capability of, digital services, building and maintaining digital skills is an important part of working as a careers professional.

CTRL digital confidence assessment

CDI members can use this free tool to assesses your digital confidence in 16 generic workplace scenarios. It's a valuable aid to identifying digital skills you may wish to develop and links to useful digital resources to address any skills gaps.

Digital tools for practitioners

Meet your digital skills needs identified in the CTRL assessment, with these digital tools that have been recommended by CDI members. The tools are helpfully categorised into Creation, Transaction, Responsibility and Learning tools.  

Careers software and digital tools

View this list of software and digital tools that can help with career development practice. From careers education and management platforms to online diagnosis tools, you can find a range of digital support here.

Third party resources

General careers information

General careers information

Resources that provide general information on careers.

Schools and young people resources

Schools and young people

A range of resources related to careers for schools and young people.

Apprenticeships and work-based-training resources

Apprenticeships and WBT

Apprenticeships and work-based-training resources.

Higher Education resources

Higher Education

Resources related to career development in HE.

Careers services for adults

Services for adults

Information related to careers services aimed at adults.

Research & professional development resources

Research & professional development

Resources related to research and professional development in the careers sector.

Careers in industry sectors

Industry sectors

Links to resources about careers in a range of industries.

Having any trouble?

Having any trouble?

Do not hesitate to reach out to us anytime.