Project Associate for Scotland
Pete Robertson is the CDI's Project Associate for Scotland and in this capacity he leads the CDI's relationship with Skills Development Scotland and members based in Scotland.
Pete runs regular online meetings for members, writes updates on careers policy and developments in Scotland for the CDI Board and Career Matters magazines, and represents Scottish members on the CDI Council.

Project Associate for Wales
Carolyn Parry is the CDI's Project Associate for Wales and has built a wide range of relationships on behalf the the CDI across the Principality. Carolyn provides support to Careers Wales, from regular meetings with senior managers in the organisation to co-developing and running CPD training.
Carolyn hosts the Welsh Forum, with a growing number of attendees from across Welsh education, business and charity sectors with an interest in career development. She also updates the CDI Board and Career Matters readers on developments in Wales and represents Welsh members on the CDI Council, which she also chairs as CDI President.
Project Associate for Continuous Professional Development
Erica Rowell took over the role of Project Associate on Lyn Barham's retirement at the end of March 2023. Erica will continue Lyn's work to source and curate resources for practitioners to feature on the CDI website and in producing the monthly CPD newsletter.

Project Associate for Digital Learning
Michael Larbalestier has supported much of the CDI's digital transformation in his Associate role. From developing and delivering the Digital Bytes series of webinars, to creating the CTRL digital assessment tool and curating resources, Michael has helped CDI members improve their digital skills and adopt more digitally-focused approaches to their practice.
Michael has played a key part in the development of the CDI's website and CRM project and has led our pilot work using Moodle as an e-learning platform.
EDI Communities Associate
Ifza Shakoor joined as the CDI's EDI Communities Associate in 2022 to engage those working in the profession for diverse communities. Ifza has developed a network of contacts across communities and co-developed the seven EDI Big Conversation workshops in January 2023 that acted as input to the EDI Strategy.
Ifza will work with the CDI team to implement the EDI strategy, leading on key activities and acting as a valuable feedback route into the CDI.
Ifza runs the Lets Talk EDI Chat sessions, inviting members to join discussions on different aspects of diversity.

Community of Practice for Career Development Professionals
Dave Cordle and Liz Reece are the CDI's Associates running the Facebook community for career development practitioners. Started in 2020 to enable members to share knowledge and provide peer support during lockdown, the community has grown to over 1,300 members.
To ensure the community remains a valuable source of support, Liz and Dave moderate the forum, post regularly on topics related to the CDI and the wider profession, and provide feedback into the CDI team on key areas of discussion.
Community of Practice for Careers Leaders
Similarly to the Facebook group, the CDI's Careers Leaders forum is moderated by our team of dedicated volunteers to maintain it as a high-quality community for discussion. They also curate resources which are posted in the forum, ensuring members have easy access to the widest range of support.

Training, Assessment IQA and Moderator Associates
The CDI Academy delivers a wide range of high-quality training, due to our extensive bank of expert trainers, assessors, internal quality assurers (IQAs) and moderators. These Associates deliver training to a high standard and provide the quality assurance functions that mean the CDI is recognised for its extremely positive training outcomes.
We are committed to ensuring these skills are sustained within the profession, not just for CDI delivery, and in recent years have offered trainee positions for prospective Associates. If you would like to register your interest in future trainee positions, please contact Sue Alder, CDI Professional Training Manager.