CDI Scotland Student Conference

Thursday 6 February 2025 | 9.30 am - 4 pm | Online event 
Theme: The use of data by career services

This event is delivered in partnership by the Career Development Institute, University of the West of Scotland, Edinburgh Napier University and Skills Development Scotland 

The CDI Scotland Student Conference last took place on Thursday 5 February 2025. This conference explored how the use of data by modern career services is evolving.  The focus was on large data sets of service user information held by career services. The keynotes focused on how guidance can be enhanced by use of data, highlighting the higher education sector in the morning, and Skills Development Scotland in the afternoon.  Workshops explored a range of diverse and related topics including input from PhD research students.  This is an annual event bringing together students, academics and practitioners.  It is aimed primarily at postgraduate career guidance students at the University of the West of Scotland, and at Edinburgh Napier University.  

Why attend?

The event builds on and amalgamates the CDI Student Conference Scotland and the UWS/ENU/SDS Research Symposium and offers a broad CPD opportunity for select practitioners in the sector in Scotland. 

2025 Agenda

Event opens
Welcome and outline of the day 
Pete Robertson, Edinburgh Napier University
Keynote 1: Data Protection legislation
Diana-Leigh Watt, Information Governance Manager, Edinburgh Napier University 
Keynote 2: Career registration in higher education
Dr Bob Gilworth, University of Huddersfield 
Keynote 3: Higher Education career services use of data
Jane Campbell & Andy Blunt, University of Leeds 
Parallel workshops 1 (Choice of one from two) 

Option 1: Using machine learning to enhance the provision of labour market intelligence 
Aleksander Bielinski PhD Student, Edinburgh Napier University 

Option 2: The guidance counsellor in Ireland
Dr Petra Elftorp University of Limerick 
Lunch Break
Parallel workshops 2: (Choice of one from two) 

Option 1: 
Hanna Glover PhD StudentUniversity of Edinburgh 

Option 2: 
Marianne Wilson PhD Student, Edinburgh Napier University 
Keynote 4: The SDS Data Hub
Taylor Stewart, National Policy and Professional Practice Team, Skills Development Scotland 
Keynote 5: Customer Voice
Debbie Pavia & Graeme Smith, Evaluation and Research Team Skills Development Scotland 
Pete Robertson


  • Full and part-time students undertaking the Post Graduate Diploma In Career Guidance and Development /Qualification in Career. Development at Edinburgh Napier University and the University of the West of Scotland
  • Selected staff from Skills Development Scotland (SDS)
  • Invitees from across the sector in Scotland

There are a maximum of 80 places for this event.


The event is free for QCD students, select SDS staff and CDI members in Scotland. Please note: If you are fully qualified and work for Skills Development Scotland please check with your employer before booking.  

Having any trouble?

Having any trouble?

Do not hesitate to reach out to us anytime.