Valuing Careers Campaign - Promoting the Career Development Sector
The career development sector faces a number of challenges around perception and recognition. Our Valuing Career Development campaign sets out the main issues we need to tackle and the actions the CDI is taking to promote appreciation of the work career development professionals do.
Policy, reports and press releases

Policy briefings, responses and letters
The CDI's responses to consultations and committees, plus policy briefings and letters related to career development.

Reports and research
View reports and research from the CDI and other organisations, covering key aspects of career development.

Press office
Press releases from the CDI and contacts for media engagement opportunities.

Best practice briefings and resources
Explore briefings and reports that support career development professionals in best practice.

Recruitment and retention campaign
There has been growing concern about the sustainability of the career development workforce, especially in England. This takes in the low rates of pay in government-funded careers provision (schools, colleges and NCS), but also the ageing careers workforce, the sense of feeling undervalued and the sector being under-invested in.
The CDI has an ongoing campaign to raise awareness of recruitment and retention issues across the profession and with policy-makers. This has encompassed a number of activities - from the #CDIBigListen and Careers England surveys that start to quantify the issue, to the talent pipeline webinar, speeches at conferences, input to letters to politicians and ongoing work on routes into and progressing within career development.
Read more about our Recruitment and Retention campaign.
CDI Launches Valuing Careers Campaign at Stormont
The CDI will launch its Valuing Careers campaign at Northern Ireland’s Stormont Assembly, addressing the pressing skills crisis and its implications for economic growth.
UK Career Development Awards: Celebrating the Visionaries Shaping Britain's Workforce
Now is the time for career development professionals to be recognised and valued for their vital role in shaping futures, driving social mobility, and contributing to economic growth.
CDI Urges Students to Seek Careers Advice on Results Day and in the Future
As students across England and Wales discover the results of two years of hard work, the Career Development Institute (CDI), the UK’s professional body for career development, seeks to reassure those young people who haven’t ...
CDI welcomes greater focus on careers support ahead of A Level results
Across the UK, thousands of A level, T Level and BTEC students are anxiously awaiting their results, which will be released next week. The CDI, the UK’s professional body for career development, says that it’s vital that thes...
CDI and Trotman Indigo Publishing announce publishing partnership
The partnership will leverage the strengths of both organisations to develop innovative resources that enhance career guidance practices and support professional development within the sector.
Exam results day 2023: Making the right choices
For A level and vocational results day 2023, the CDI encouraged young people to seek support from careers advisers to help make the right choice on their next step.
New Technical Education programme for careers advisers
The CDI announces it has been awarded funding by Gatsby for a three -year programme to raise the awareness and understanding of technical education pathways among careers advisers.
The AI and Chatbot Revolution
The CDI Ethics and Professional Standards Committee invited Deirdre Hughes to produce a set of guidelines designed to inform and support careers advisers and CDI member organisations in their work and ongoing consideration of...
House of Commons Education Select Committee Inquiry into careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG)
This briefing paper analyses the House Of Commons Education Select Committee’s report on careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), published in June 2023, and considers the implications of its recommendatio...
Learning and skills for economic recovery, social cohesion and a more equal Britain (The Blunkett Report)
This paper analyses Lord Blunkett’s report for the Labour Party, Learning and skills for economic recovery, social cohesion and a more equal Britain and particularly focuses on the vision that it sets out for the career devel...
Summary of CDI response to the Commons Education Committee inquiry into CEIAG
In March 2022 the CDI responded to the call for evidence. Evidence responses have now been published by the Commons Education Committee
The contribution of career development to public policy objectives: Recognising the potential with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
This paper seeks to do three things. Firstly, to outline the current international consensus on the contribution of career development to delivering on public policy goals. Secondly, to point to the unrecognised potential for...
CDI briefing on amendments to the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill
The Career Development Institute (CDI) welcomes the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill, in particular its aim to improve skills through local development plans, its proposal to recognise modules of higher education courses and...
Understanding the role of the Careers Adviser within ‘Personal Guidance’
Registration shows that a Careers Adviser is professionally qualified at level 6 or higher in career guidance/development, abides by the CDI Code of Ethics which includes impartiality, and updates their skills and knowledge b...
CDI briefing on the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill
The CDI’s reflections on the Bill in the spirit of offering our support to maximise the benefits of the legislation and achieve the goals set out in the White Paper. We have previously produced a response to the White Paper w...
Securing the future - STEM careers provision in schools and colleges in England
The last year has been difficult for everyone. For young people, the pandemic and the lockdowns that came with it put a stop to their attending school or college and forced them to adjust to a whole new way of learning and li...
Submission to the The House of Lords Youth Unemployment Committee
What are the main challenges facing young people seeking employment today? How do structural factors impact youth unemployment, and how might these be addressed?
Post Qualification Application to HE
The CDI is in favour in principle of the present admissions system. However, it would require these significant changes to make it work effectively.
Scottish Parliament election May 2021: Briefing for all political parties - The role of career guidance in unleashing Scotland’s potential
A consensus has emerged among international bodies that Investing in Career Guidance makes sense. Consider COVID-19 has intensified existing socio-economic inequalities, we recommend all parties advocate for additional invest...
Review of Post-16 level 2 and below study and qualifications in England
Would a new form of transition programme be the best way to support progression for 16 to 19 year olds who want to take a level 3 but are not quite ready to progress and do not plan to take a T Level?
Reply to Letter from Minister Keegan
Received February 2021 in response to a 22nd October letter about concerns around the funding arrangements for the National Careers Service
The Skills for Jobs White Paper - Implications for career development
The Department for Education published Skills for jobs: Lifelong learning for opportunity and growth on Thursday 21st January 2021. The white paper is wide ranging and includes discussion of compulsory and post-compulsory edu...
Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England
CDI position statement in response to the government consultation to review the post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England
The Workforce of the Future inquiry call for evidence
What do you think people need to receive from careers information, advice and guidance in the current circumstances to help them successfully transition into work?
Personal Guidance in English Secondary Education: An initial Return-on-Investment estimate
The Careers & Enterprise Company in England commissioned this report estimating the return on investment (ROI) of personal guidance in England, to inform discussions with the Department for Education and to build on the evalu...
Open Letter to Gillian Keegan MP, Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills
Sent by the CDI as part of the Career Development Policy Group
Reply to Letter from Gavin Williamson, SoS for Education
Send to the CDI as part of the Career Development Policy Group
Career guidance and the Plan for Jobs - Ensuring impact
Briefing produced by the CDI as part of the Career Development Policy Group
Letter sent to 1000 individuals and organisations welcoming the Plan for Jobs and emphasising the need for a Career Guidance Guarantee
Sent by CDI as part of the Career Development Policy Group
A call for the government to publicly commit to a Career Guidance Guarantee
Over 1,000 organisations, Lords and MPs signed an open letter to government calling for a Career Guidance Guarantee for young people and adults.
Open Letter to Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education
Sent by the Career Development Policy Group
An emergency career development plan to maintain productivity and progression post-Covid-19
Briefing paper written by the Career Development Policy Group
AI Digital Assistants - FAQs
AI Digital Assistants have emerged over the last decade and are now commonplace, embedded in the devices we use at home and work every day – computers, smartphones and televisions and smart speakers.
Understanding the use of digital technology in the career development sector
This research, funded jointly by the UK’s Career Development Institute and the University of Derby, has been conducted at a time of rapid change in the availability and use of digital technologies. For the purposes of this re...
The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people
This paper will focus on the potential for career guidance to contribute to the mental health and well-being of young people. It will outline the reasons for concern, the potential contribution of career guidance, and make r...
Professionalism in careers
This briefing paper sets out the background, evidence and key issues relating to professionalism in careers work in England.2 The work is produced on behalf of Careers England and the Career Development Institute (CDI), but t...
The Economic Benefits of Career Guidance
This research paper sets out the evidence on the economic benefits of career guidance. It argues that although career guidance is primarily concerned with the individual it also offers major social and economic benefits. It i...
Understanding a ‘career in careers’: Learning from an analysis of current job and person specifications
The Career Development Institute (CDI) is developing a career progression pathway for the career development sector. This report provides evidence which can inform the creation of such a framework. It is based on an analysis ...
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