CDI Conference, Exhibition and Dinner 2024

26 & 27 November 2024 | The Studio, Birmingham

Further information and tickets will be available soon - please keep checking this page.

Exhibition - 26 November

This free-to-attend exhibition is open to all careers professionals. The Exhibition is a fantastic opportunity to engage directly with:

  • Organisations who supply services to careers professionals, such as careers technology and resources
  • Industry representatives showcasing the occupations available to young people and adults, and the resources to raise awareness with clients.

Dinner - 26 November

We will host a dinner on the first night, offering the opportunity to enjoy time with colleagues, meet new friends and celebrate being part of this wonderful profession.

Conference - 27 November

The conference is an opportunity to welcome professionals from all areas of career development to explore key themes common across the sector, as well as attend workshops focused on specific areas of supporting young people and adults.

Bringing together those working in schools, special schools, colleges, training providers and universities, as well as those working in the public sector, businesses, third sector and self-employment, the conference offers an amazing opportunity to learn from experts, share with colleagues and continue professional development.

Why attend?

Continuous learning is a cornerstone of being a professional, whether that’s through gaining new experience, reflecting on previous interactions, gathering feedback or attending CPD events such as this one. Your attendance today is an important part of maintaining and further developing your knowledge and skills, benefiting you and your clients.

We limit the keynote talks and the panel sessions to focus on a few key topics that will be of interest to everyone. Then the bulk of the day gives you an array of options with up to seven concurrent workshops on topics covering all areas of practice.

You might choose workshops focused on enhancing your current area of practice, or you might want to mix and match with new areas or broader themes such as using theory and research in practice, supporting more diverse clients or learning about the latest technology.

This enables you to make this your conference, creating an agenda that best suits your needs and interests.


This conference is aimed at all careers professionals, regardless of your area of practice or where you work in the UK and beyond.

2023 Conference programme

You can get an insight into what to expect at conference, including the breath of our sessions and high-level speakers by downloading the 2023 programme.

Partner with us for future events

We have a limited number of sponsor or exhibitor opportunities available for these events. For more information and to discuss your organisation's requirements, please contact

Having any trouble?

Having any trouble?

Do not hesitate to reach out to us anytime.