If you are on the UK Register of Career Development Professionals, you must keep your CPD Diary up to date and be able to evidence at least 25 hours CPD annually from the date you join the Register. Meeting of this Register requirement is checked annually by the CDI Head of Professional Development and Standards.
The CPD you record can be from any source or organisation provided that it relates to your work role. Examples can include:
- Attending a CPD Event (in person or virtually)
- Attending a CDI/NICEC Cutting Edge session
- Reading articles in the NICEC Journal or Career Matters
- Accessing a CDI free webinar, Digital Byte, Expert Webinar or Workshop
- Researching information for a session you are delivering e.g. on Apprenticeships or other post-16 options
- Reading CDI News items and following up some of the links to further information
- Attending a networking event (Regional Meeting, #WeAre Careers show)
- Researching and writing an article for a journal
- Undertaking practitioner research.
The CPD Diary asks you to record: the CPD title, date and number of hours; why you did the CPD; what you learned; how you have/will put this learning into practice and any further action to be undertaken.