What will I cover on the course?

This courses consists of four half-day modules;

Training Module 1

  • Our perception of ‘disability’ and how this affects the delivery of effective career guidance
  • What is a learning disability? 
  • Perception of us, how a person’s impairment might affect this, and how this can impact on the delivery of effective career guidance
  • Legislation and statutory guidance overview

Training Module 2

  • Working with a circle of support.
  • Person-centered planning, mental capacity and preparing for adulthood
  • Resources and tools

Training Module 3   

  • Effective communication. Experience communicating differently
  • Strategies for more effective communication

Training Module 4

  • Decision making processes…what gets in the way?
  • How do we make decisions? Does disability affect planning and decision-making?
  • How can we support planning and decision making when others are involved?

How is the course structured?

The course has 4 modules which are delivered either as 4 separate sessions via zoom or as two full days face to face training.

In addition to the training provided all participants are entitled to individual tutorial support of up to 3 hours.

How is my work assessed?

Participants will receive their own workbook at the start of the course.  The workbook mirrors the content of the modules and provide a means for participants to evidence their reflective practice.

This is then submitted to the trainers for assessment and feedback. Successful completion of the workbook is required in order to achieve the Professional Certificate.



Online Programme

CDI Professional Certificate (Supporting Clients with Additional Needs)     

Non Member    

Training and Assessment 

£504 + VAT
CDI Professional Certificate (Supporting Clients with Additional Needs) 

CDI Member

Training and assessment only
£453.60 + VAT

Training and Events

Supporting Clients with Additional Needs

CDI Professional Certificate (Supporting Clients with Additional Needs)

We are delighted to offer this course for Level 6/7 qualified career guidance practitioners working in schools, special schools and colleges to support students with additional needs. The programme aims to develop reflective practice and provide evidence of understanding and competence in working with people who have a health condition, impairment or special educational needs.

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