Paying via PayPal: You can book an event and pay online by credit/debit card via PayPal our secure payment platform.
You do not need a PayPal account in order to make a payment, you will be asked for an email for receipt purposes.
Paying by invoice: If you need to request an invoice please fill out this form. A member of our team will aim to respond to your request within 48hrs.
*Please note not all requests will be approved therefore request to pay via invoice should only be made if you are not able to make payment via the other payment options.
Anyone booking onto a paid webinar should receive the link to the session no later than the end of the week prior to the event. If you experience any queries, please contact [email protected]
Please scroll down to view our events.
15How to set up your own coaching business
Have you always dreamt of setting up your own coaching business but not sure how? Are you currently setting up your practice and need a helping hand? Or have you set up your business and want some tips to help your business to grow further? Then join us for this hands-on and interactive masterclass, where we will help you to provide a way forward and answer your questions.
EDI Lunchtime sessions- Review, Feedback, and Next Steps in EDI
A session to review the year's progress, summarize feedback, and plan future EDI efforts, focusing on key learnings and setting priorities for continued EDI work.
Say hello to FuturesBot
In this session David will recount his journey to develop an engaging AI tool to support young people with dyslexia prepare for post-16 pathways. He will demo the Futures (careers) chatbot and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
CDI South Central - How to create efficient yet creative action plans
As always, we’ll also be providing an opportunity for you to network with other Career Development Professionals during the session, as well as ask for your feedback to the CDI on what matters to you. This session is open to all – not just those in the South Central Region, including non-members.
Developing supervision approaches and skills for supervisors
Throughout the career development sector, supervision plays a critical role in personal development and sustaining good practice within ethical and organisational standards.
*This course does not have a specific start date. We will be running a 6 week ongoing enrollment scheme so please do not worry about dates/deadlines.
At the Cutting Edge
Exploring Career Wellbeing through the lenses of calling and career resonance
The CDI and NICEC continue our collaborative Cutting Edge webinar series with our bi-annual seminars.
Free to CDI Members & NICEC Members. You will be asked for your membership number upon booking.
If you are a NICEC member and do not have your number please email, [email protected] to get this information.
CDI Yorkshire and Humber Regional Meet-up
Calling all Career Practitioners! This is a fantastic opportunity to connect, share, and grow with fellow professionals in your region.
Whether you’re looking for fresh inspiration, practical advice, or simply a chance to catch up with others in the field, this is the perfect space for you!
NHS Health Careers – an overview
Discover the vast career opportunities in health with NHS expert Abigail Changer—roles, pathways, and the latest industry insights in one essential session!
Can virtual experiences really be meaningful?
This workshop will provide insight into Springpod's virtual work experiences. You will learn how the content is designed to make these experiences as meaningful as possible for the young people participating. With the growth of virtual experiences, we will consider whether we need to rethink our approach to the traditional work experience.
We will share ideas on incorporating these experiences into careers programmes and consider how virtual experiences can be part of a progressive programme of employer encounters providing numerous opportunities throughout the year to support career decision-making.
North West region
North West Regional Meeting with a difference!
From race number 4 you are welcome to enjoy an afternoon/evening at the races. National Horseracing College colleagues will be in attendance all evening, so network as you choose with them, CDI NW colleagues, those from other schools or meet up with friends and family.
Several places are reserved for NW CDI colleagues and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Carnival of Careers- UK Career Development Awards 2025
This year, we are excited for the return of the awards on Tuesday 17 June at the Royal National Hotel in London. The event will be themed as the 'CDI Carnival of Careers' and we welcome attendees to dress up and join in the themed fun and games!
Attendees can look forward to a glamorous awards ceremony and enjoy celebrating the work of inspirational careers professionals, catching up with peers and friends, and making new connections!
National Careers Leaders Conference 2025
The National Careers Leaders' Conference and Exhibition 2025 will take place on Wednesday 18 June and is jointly organised by the CDI and iCeGS at the University of Derby. This year, we have a change of venue and will hold the event at the Royal National Hotel in London.
Helping your Clients to find their purpose
Do you want to help your clients to establish purpose in their work? To find a meaningful and sustainable way of working with purpose? Then join us for this interactive and hands-on expert workshop, where we will learn a practical, five-step approach to help your clients to find purpose in their work.
Helping your Clients with their career transitions
Do you want to help your clients to transition to their next work opportunity successfully? Whether this is staying employed in the same field, doing something totally different or moving into work for the first time? Leaving them more resourceful to manage future career transitions for themselves? Then join us for this practical and interactive workshop, where we will learn how to help your clients to undertake successful career transitions.
Helping Your Clients with Their Mid-Life Career Reinvention
Do you want to help your clients in their mid-life (45-60) to reinvent themselves when they are facing redundancy, feeling lost and unclear how to make themselves relevant again in the world of work? To regain their joie de vivre when feeling burnt out, dissatisfied and unfulfilled in their work? Then join us for this hands-on and interactive workshop, where we will learn how to help your clients in their mid-life to reinvent their careers.
Showing 15 of 15 results