Standing for the CDI Board

Elections for CDI Board members take place when roles become vacant. Notices of election will be emailed to all members and posted on the website to encourage CDI members to submit nominations.

You need to be a member of the CDI to be elected to the Board and, if standing for a post that is elected by CDI members, your nomination needs to be supported by five current CDI members.

Please note: The most common reason for applications being rejected is membership numbers of the nominee or their supporters being incorrect or invalid.

A guide to standing for the Board

This guide has been written by current and former Directors of the CDI to answer some of the more common questions raised by those considering standing for election to the Board or for Chair of the Ethics and Professional Standards Committee.

The guide suggests reflecting on why you wish to stand, helps with ways to find people to nominate you  and writing a good personal statement.

Download the guide to standing for the Board.

A guide to standing for the Board
The role of a Non-Executive Director

The role of a Non-Executive Director

Being on the CDI Board is a Non-Executive Director (NED) position. there are many benefits to you as an individual of undertaking an NED role, whether with the CDI or with other organisations.

This video features three CDI Board members - Carolyn Parry, Nicki Moore and Julie-Anne Jamieson - discussing their experience of being a NED and why you should stand for roles at the CDI.

You can also access a Non-Executive Director factsheet from the Institiute of Directors.

Having any trouble?

Having any trouble?

Do not hesitate to reach out to us anytime.