CDI governing documents
The CDI is a company limited by guarantee and was incorporated in 2013. The remit and operation of the CDI is set through our governing documents.
The CDI is a company limited by guarantee and was incorporated in 2013. The remit and operation of the CDI is set through our governing documents.
To ensure that the range of kinds of career development practice, and the diversity of delivery systems across the UK are properly represented, the membership is divided into "constituencies". On joining, each member selects ...
The Company rules govern the operation of the CDI. They can be amended by the Board following consultation with the Ethics and Professional Standards Committee, the CDI Council and with members at a General Meeting.
The Objects and Powers outlines the Objects of the CDI and the additional powers of the organisation, such as maintaining a membership database and the Register of Career development Professionals, develop, award and accredit...
The Articles of Association is a legal document lodged with Companies House that lays down the formal procedures of governance for the CDI.
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