CDI logo and branding

The CDI brand is one of our most valuable assets: it is our visual statement to the world of the personality of the organisation and all that we stand for as a professional body. As such, it is important that we protect the use of the CDI logo and branding.

Member use of the CDI brand

Members of the CDI are encouraged to use the initials MCDI after their name and in professional communications. To protect the integrity of the brand, Members cannot use or copy the CDI logo and embed it in their own resources, websites or printed communications. This is clearly stated in the corporate identity guidelines. 

Members of the UK Register of Career Development Professionals can request a specifically designed logo to use to promote their status as registered professionals.

You can access the Members' Marketing Toolkit through the Members area of the website.

CDI articles of association
CDI articles of association

Corporate identity guidelines

We have developed corporate identity guidelines to ensure consistency in the use of the logo, font and colour scheme in printed and online communications. Our aim is to keep them clear, simple and unambiguous.

Having any trouble?

Having any trouble?

Do not hesitate to reach out to us anytime.