

Careers Education is vital to every students’ economic and personal well being. We have a strong pedigree and expertise in this sector to deliver high quality impartial Careers Education to your students. The Careerstorch team are qualified to deliver this with staff holding the Qualification in Career Guidance. 

By working with Careerstorch you will also meet the statutory duty to ‘secure access to independent careers guidance presented in an impartial manner’

One of our key aims is to shine a new light on Careers Education in schools in a variety of new and imaginative formats. This will consist of a series of packages including one to one delivery, workshops and progression evenings which will ignite your students’ interests. There are three key objectives that are important to us. The first is to deliver high quality Careers Education and guidance across the sector. The second is to deliver Careers Education which is impartial and current. Finally we will be delivering Careers Education in partnership with you, parents, carers and employers. We are very excited about the opportunity Careerstorch presents and invite you to accompany us on this journey with a fresh approach to Careers Education.

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