06 August 2023
The Careers Leader Handbook - 2nd edition
The Careers Leader Handbook has been updated ‘to reflect the changes in the policy, educational and economic context in which careers leaders are now working’. Since the original, careers leadership has gained real momentum.
Many books are described as ‘indispensable’, but this is exactly that. It is a book that serves as an essential toolkit. Written for new and existing careers leaders but also useful for careers professionals, teachers and anyone who takes an interest in developing and guiding young people.
It is easy to read and navigate, broken down into easy sections that can be ‘dipped into’ when required. I loved the ‘How to read this book’ section explaining images interspersed throughout, linking to resources, Gatsby benchmarks, case studies, tools and international reflections summed up by a section called ‘In a nutshell’ allowing the reader to review and check progress whilst gaining knowledge.
Reflection is a recurring theme with references to career theory, management styles, dealing with change, CPD and carefully supporting the careers leader. The cleverly integrated case studies dotted throughout allow the user to visualize the outstanding careers programme they aim to emulate.
Having worked in many schools and colleges throughout my career, I know there are many good examples happening in every institution that can be classed as ‘careers education’ but are ‘under the radar’.
This book helps the careers leader to bring together good practice and produce a vision, answering questions such as where to start, how to embed Gatsby benchmarks, who to work with and how to grow provision. The online materials are a bonus and make the job more manageable.
A truly useful and inspirational book, written by experts and a ‘must have’ for all careers leaders.
Review by Sue Holly. Sue is a Careers Guidance Practitioner working for EBP South and based at Queen Mary’s College, Basingstoke.
David Andrews and Tristram Hooley
ISBN 978-1-912943-74-6
Many books are described as ‘indispensable’, but this is exactly that. It is a book that serves as an essential toolkit. Written for new and existing careers leaders but also useful for careers professionals, teachers and anyone who takes an interest in developing and guiding young people.
It is easy to read and navigate, broken down into easy sections that can be ‘dipped into’ when required. I loved the ‘How to read this book’ section explaining images interspersed throughout, linking to resources, Gatsby benchmarks, case studies, tools and international reflections summed up by a section called ‘In a nutshell’ allowing the reader to review and check progress whilst gaining knowledge.
Reflection is a recurring theme with references to career theory, management styles, dealing with change, CPD and carefully supporting the careers leader. The cleverly integrated case studies dotted throughout allow the user to visualize the outstanding careers programme they aim to emulate.
Having worked in many schools and colleges throughout my career, I know there are many good examples happening in every institution that can be classed as ‘careers education’ but are ‘under the radar’.
This book helps the careers leader to bring together good practice and produce a vision, answering questions such as where to start, how to embed Gatsby benchmarks, who to work with and how to grow provision. The online materials are a bonus and make the job more manageable.
A truly useful and inspirational book, written by experts and a ‘must have’ for all careers leaders.
Review by Sue Holly. Sue is a Careers Guidance Practitioner working for EBP South and based at Queen Mary’s College, Basingstoke.
David Andrews and Tristram Hooley
ISBN 978-1-912943-74-6