Update on Scotland's careers services
David Morgan
David Morgan
08 December 2023

Update on Scotland's careers services

Graeme Dey MSP, Minister of Higher and Further Education and Minister for Veterans, gave an update to the Public Audit Commitee of the Scottish Parliament on 5th December, regarding the reforms to the post-school education, research and skills landscape in Scotland.

This follows the report from James Withers that made a series of recommendations for change, many of which were accepted in the government's initial response. The Minister's update set out the progress that has been made and ongoing views on skills planning, the funding landscape, community learning and development and careers services.

Regarding careers, the Minister stated his belief that the current services provide 'the foundations for a strong offer that enables learners to make informed choices about their future'. He announced that Grahame Smith will be staying on to develop a clearer and more coherent focus for the careers services through his work as Chair of the Careers Collaborative.

Read the full statement from Graeme Dey MSP.


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