This section provides resources for "making the case" for careers in Higher Education, referring to both challenges that careers services can tackle and evidence that such services work.
The context for careers services in higher education is set by the fact that more than half of students believe ‘all university courses should be designed mainly with future employment in mind’ (HEPI, 2021).
There is a strong body of evidence for the impact of services on both students’ career capabilities and their employment outcomes in the UK and overseas, particularly the US.
Work by Agcas continues to steer progress in the UK, demonstrating families of case studies and best practices whereby careers services are tackling various contemporary issues in innovative ways, ranging from social mobility to AI, as well as delivering continuous improvement.
This page provides references to the landscape in which CEIAG operates, case studies of practices (including the application of theory), as well as links to research-active institutions, relevant publications, and data sources.