The second stage of research focused on the attitudes of people and organisations across, and linked to, career development. A successful petition for chartership requires support from all areas, so understanding the level of support for chartership is vital.
The research was carried out by iCeGS in 2022 and captured the views of 657 individuals working across career development through structured interviews, focus groups and an online survey. The work was overseen by a steering group comprising key organisations across the sector.
Key findings of the survey included:
- 83% would welcome career development becoming a Chartered profession (5.5% against).
- 83% felt Chartership would strengthen the public's view of career development (9% disagree).
- 73% would want to register as a chartered individual.
- 56% said the level of assessment for individual Chartership should be at postgraduate level (13% undergraduate and 19% neither).
- 84% said they would welcome the CDI petitioning for the Royal Charter on behalf of the profession (4% against).
With the very high levels of support for Chartership and the CDI leading the petition, the CDI Board committed to the next stage of work. It was recognised, however, that while the levels of disagreement were relatively low, it will be important as the work progresses to understand the concerns of those against Chartership and ensure future work addresses them.
Download a summary of the stage 2 research.