
19 August 2023
Exam results day 2023
This was the second year that the CDI co-ordinated media activity to increase the number of career development professionals commenting on A level exam and vocational qualification results day across England and Wales. This is a crucial day for many young people and our work is designed to ensure the voices of impartial, expert career development professionals are prominent in the media.
Over the last two summers we have now put eight careers professionals through media training, to build their confidence in speaking on TV, radio and to the written press, and help them get across the key messages to help members of the public and promote our profession.
In 2023 we sent our results day press release to a wide range of media outlets, with a message focused on encouraging young people to make the right choice for them and that, while parents, carers and teachers can help, the expert and impartial support of a Careers Adviser is on hand to help.
Through this and the efforts of individuals, coverage included Caroline Green appearing on TV on BBC South, Carolyn Parry joining a phone-in on Jeremy Vine's show, Penny McCarthy on Nicky Campbell's BBC Radio 5's show, Sue Alder giving an interview on Asian Star Radio and we had pieces published on HR Grapevine, in FE News and in The Sun. Additional pieces have been submitted to Living 360 and the Sunday Express.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in gaining and making the most of this coverage. We will continue to develop our media engagement to increase the coverage going forward.
Over the last two summers we have now put eight careers professionals through media training, to build their confidence in speaking on TV, radio and to the written press, and help them get across the key messages to help members of the public and promote our profession.
In 2023 we sent our results day press release to a wide range of media outlets, with a message focused on encouraging young people to make the right choice for them and that, while parents, carers and teachers can help, the expert and impartial support of a Careers Adviser is on hand to help.
Through this and the efforts of individuals, coverage included Caroline Green appearing on TV on BBC South, Carolyn Parry joining a phone-in on Jeremy Vine's show, Penny McCarthy on Nicky Campbell's BBC Radio 5's show, Sue Alder giving an interview on Asian Star Radio and we had pieces published on HR Grapevine, in FE News and in The Sun. Additional pieces have been submitted to Living 360 and the Sunday Express.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in gaining and making the most of this coverage. We will continue to develop our media engagement to increase the coverage going forward.