CDI Event

CDI Yorkshire and Humber Regional Meet-up

Calling all Career Practitioners! This is a fantastic opportunity to connect, share, and grow with fellow professionals in your region.

Whether you’re looking for fresh inspiration, practical advice, or simply a chance to catch up with others in the field, this is the perfect space for you!

Free to Members

Calling all Career Practitioners! This is a fantastic opportunity to connect, share, and grow with fellow professionals in your region.

This informal yet valuable meet-up will give you the chance to:

  • Expand your network – meet like-minded professionals and exchange ideas.
  • Share best practices – discuss challenges, insights, and innovative approaches.
  • Stay up to date – hear about the latest trends and developments in careers guidance.

Whether you’re looking for fresh inspiration, practical advice, or simply a chance to catch up with others in the field, this is the perfect space for you!

Having any trouble?

Having any trouble?

Do not hesitate to reach out to us anytime.