How to set up your own coaching business
Have you always dreamt of setting up your own coaching business but not sure how? Are you currently setting up your practice and need a helping hand? Or have you set up your business and want some tips to help your business to grow further? Then join us for this hands-on and interactive masterclass, where we will help you to provide a way forward and answer your questions.
27 Mar 2025 -
10:00 AM -
1 hour(s) and 59 minute(s) -
Online -
Learning Outcomes
Over 18 months, and in collabration with University of London, I spoke with Business owners who had recently and successfully set up thier own businesses.I found out what these entrpreneurs did and what they didn't do that helped them to be successful in their buisness set-up. This mastercalss is built on these insights and findings. I will share these with you so you can learn from their experience and successes.
You will learn:
- What it takes to transition to self-employment successfully
- Your strengths and potential areas of development to support your business set up
- How to build your capability to support your transition to self-employment
- Answers to those practical questions relating to setting up a business
Connect onto Zoom at 9.45am. Starts 10am
Setting the scene
Is self-employment for me?
Building the capability to ease the transition to self-employment
Answering those practical business set-up questions
Ends 12pm |
Next steps
Presenter biography
The masterclass presenter is Dr Cathy Brown. She is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist who runs her own organisational development consultancy (www.evolve.eu.com) where she works with individuals, teams and business to manage transitions and change. Over the past 16 years, she has helped hundreds of clients to set up their own business and to manage their own transition. She has researched at the University of London what it takes to transition into self-employment successfully, and she draws upon these insights in her client work. Within her areas of expertise, she writes books (under the brand Testing the Water®), articles, speaks at conferences and is a guest lecturer on Masters courses at several universities. More latterly, she has been awarded a PhD within the field of career mobility.
Client feedback who worked with Cathy in setting up their own business
- “Cathy supported me during my transition to self-employment. Her calm approach, amazing insight and detailed research for Testing The Water® gave me enormous confidence.” "
- “As a young start-up we are often offered support in various forms, I can say, without hesitation, that the single most contributing factor in what we achieved last year has been the impartial advice and direction provided by our sessions with Cathy.”
- "Brilliant - so good for me!"
- "Inspiring, thought provoking. Thank you!"