Is my school meeting the statutory requirements for careers

Is my school meeting the statutory requirements for careers

£50+ VAT for Members
  • Date

    05 Nov 2024
  • Time

    03:30 PM
  • Duration

    1 hour(s)
  • Venue

    Online Webinar

This expert training online session is aimed at career practitioners, governors, or anyone else who is working with schools and has responsibility for ensuring that the legal and statutory requirements to deliver careers education, information advice and guidance (CEIAG) are met within schools.

During the session we will explore

  • Understanding the plethora of documents which set out legal and statutory requirements in schools
  • Sorting out the shoulds from the musts.
  • Checklist – what have we done and what is still necessary – please have all of your main careers documents to hand for this.
  • Prioritisation of statutory requirements still not done – how to balance workload
  • Being the school expert on CEIAG  - a chance to share best practice.
  • Sources of support
  • The shoulds – A brief look at what the legal and statutory requirements say you should do.  Are they worth it?

The workshop will be led by Janet Colledge, an established careers consultant and blogger. Janet started blogging in order to promote her own consultancy but also to share her expertise in the role of building careers departments within the school setting with those who are just starting out.
Aim: The workshop aims to support both new and established careers leaders, careers link governors or those supporting them to understand and deliver a CEIAG programme that meets all the statutory and legal requirements.
N.B. The term statutory and legal requirements is used throughout to mean those pertaining to CEIAG
Learning Outcomes
Key objectives of the workshop are to:
  • To be able to evidence compliance level of your school
  • To fully understand the legal implications of failing to meet all the statutory and legal requirements.
  • To develop understanding of the way that statutory guidance is disseminated by the Government and the importance of developing a way of keeping up to date with updates.
  • To develop understanding of possible consequences of failure to comply with statutory and legal requirements.
  • To be able to define your schools’ own success criteria for improvement and to be able  to use this to evaluate your progress. (if necessary)
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