Dr Gill Frigerio is an Associate Professor in the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of Warwick, where she leads on qualifications in Career Studies and Coaching. Her teaching interests cover theory and practice in career coaching; working with vocation and calling; and researching career development practice. She has research interests in intersectional approaches to women's career development, socially just careers work and supporting practitioners as researchers.
Dr Kim Allen's work sits at the intersections of youth, culture, gender and work. Her publications cover a range of issues including: youth and graduate transitions and ‘employability’; educational inequalities; and gender, youth and working lives. Among the research projects she has worked on are ‘Celebrity Culture and Young People’s Classed and Gendered Aspirations’ (ESRC); Young women’s transitions in austerity (British Academy); and ‘Living Gender in Diverse Times’ (ESRC).
Many people see research as something undertaken by academics however, we want to inspire all career development practitioners to develop their confidence, undertake research and develop the evidence base. We want you to celebrate your research and to talk about how this has informed your own and others’ practice.
There are three sub-themes for the Conference to help us to structure the programme. These are:
- Connecting research to practice
- Building and developing your research community
- Stories from career-related research
We encourage all members to attend. You do not have to currently be a researcher to enjoy and learn from this event, and we welcome a range of perspectives and experiences.