Say hello to FuturesBot

Say hello to FuturesBot

In this session David will recount his journey to develop an engaging AI tool to support young people with dyslexia prepare for post-16 pathways. He will demo the Futures (careers) chatbot and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.  

Free to members
David has a dyslexic daughter, so has seen some of the issues with accessing information from a personal point of view. Working as Assistive Technology Lead and Head of Careers at Moon Hall has given him a platform and access to expertise insights into how to approach possible solutions from a professional angle. The school has several bots in operation now for subject and SEN/therapy support, teacher resource-creation, as well as career support. David believes FuturesBot is quite a simple bit of kit but it sits on top of a safe and secure platform to allow students to start those sometimes 'difficult' conversations. Anyone can use it and it's having real impact on the career readiness of his students.

Presenter:  David Curran, Assistive Technologies Lead and Head of Careers at Moon Hall School Reigate

Presenter Bio:  David Curran spent 16 years in state education as a Design Technology teacher and Head of Faculty, fully integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) into the school curriculum, before taking on the additional role as Head of Careers.

Now he is also an ICT / Computing teacher, as well as an L6-trained Careers Leader, and has been Assistive Technology (AT) Lead at Moon Hall School since the role was created over 3 years ago.  Having started by assisting Microlinkpc deliver the previously DfE-funded 'Be thAT teacher' programme to state schools nationally, he has also been regularly delivering CPD/INSET face-to-face workshops and webinars on AT and how this helps support the learning of our young people. 

He is a big fan of all things IT/AT and is now fully on board with the AI revolution, again delivering training sessions both here and abroad, looking in particular at how this can meet the needs of SEN students and all those involved in education.  David is also an independent Careers Advisor on a members-only Facebook group.
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