
This section provides resources for relating career guidance work to outcomes beyond individuals. This page covers discussions that relate career guidance to economic outcomes, ranging from qualitative arguments about how career guidance contributions to functioning labour market. to more quantitative assessments of 'return on investment' from career guidance interventions, for the tax-payer or Government.

Studies and discussions are included that support in "making the case" for careers for this agenda, and then some specific case study examples of studies that have shown examples of interventions where the outcomes support economic performance. There are different mechanisms by which these are achieved.

This page provides references for the landscape and contextual issues, case studies into practice, relevant research-active institutions, relevant publications, and data sources.


  1. Headlines - Headlines that summarise the role and value of CEIAG in this area

  2. Landscapes & context - Discussions and review that create the landscape and challenges for careers services

  3. Case studies - Specific examples of practice that that beneficial outcomes

  4. Future research questions - Informed by our stakeholders, some candidate topics for future research projects

  5. Relevant institutions - Prominent research-active organisations, either commissioning or producing evidence.

  6. Journals/publications - Relevant journals and publications for further research

  7. Data sources - Open national and international datasets on this theme, to provide context to studies.

1. Headlines

The academic literature and many other publications have tackled this theme:

  • XXX

There are a range of literature reviews and studies that demonstrate the positive impact of careers education, for example:

  • XXX

2. Landscape & contexts

Selected publications, listed below, cover literature reviews and specific studies that help make the case for the role of career guidance in supporting this agenda: The cases describe both the opportunities and challenges for CEIAG, and/or evidence for positive contributions. 

Publications tend to provide one or more of the following types of insight for practitioners, decision-makers or policy makers, denoted in the "Purpose" column below: U = Understanding users, needs and experiences, P = Practices and their evaluation, C = Supporting or informing the investment case for careers, E = Understanding enablers of success in systems, processes and workplaces, T=  Developing and criticising theories and frameworks. 

NB: We have generally tried to include resources that are free to access, but have included a few important studies that require payment. These are denoted by "(Paid)" next to the URL link in the title column.

Case studies are described in the section below, also denoting studies where theory has been applied to the design of a service, to generate particular outcomes.

3. Case studies

Some specific case studies that demonstrate ways that career guidance addresses an economic outcome are listed below.

4. Future research questions

Based on our interactions with academics, policy makers and practitioners, the CDI's view is that the following research themes would help to enhance both "making the case" and practice.

  • XXX

5. Relevant institutions

To understand more about this area, it is worth reviewing the work of the following organisations who are active in commissioning or producing research.



Careers Enterprise Company (Link)

The Careers and Enterprise company are “the national body for careers education in England, supporting schools and colleges to deliver modern, 21st century careers education”. Although traditionally focussing on secondary education, they now offer dedicated resources for primary schools on their Primary Careers Resources platform.

Careers Wales (Link)

Careers Wales is a public (government funded service) that provides careers information, advice and guidance service for Wales. Careers Wales works with the Welsh Government. Although a small number of Careers Wales publications have appeared, these remain relatively few. Career Wales mainly publish articles through an online repository.

Cedefop (Link)

Cedefop is a decentralised agency of the European Union that supports the development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. As such it publishes a large number of papers and reports – both pan European and into member countries – across most aspects of CEIAG, but particularly covering policy and system level issues.

Education and Employers (Link)

A UK based charity launched in 2009 which aims to “provide young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential”. The charity works with state schools, employers, the national bodies that represent them and a wide range of other partners. Research informs education, policy and practice in the UK. 

Department of Education (Link)

The Department of Education, along with the Department of Work and Pensions, are the two Government areas where agendas align with Careers. The Department of Education website provides a section on “Research and Statistics”, and “Policy papers and consultations” guidance and regulation to inform on the national education landscape and challenges. 

Economic and Social Research Council (Link)ESRC is the UK’s largest funder of economic, social, behavioural and human data science. The council do not fund a lot of direct careers research but cover related employability themes. The research library of the wider UK Research Institutes can be accessed through their Gateway to Research, for projects dating back to 2006.

Gatsby Foundation (Link)

Gatsby is a charitable foundation that support the development of employability skills and has since been both a funder and active in projects themselves. “Good Career Guidance” is one of the four themes of their work in education (while they also work in other Neuroscience and Plant Science). Their Eight Benchmarks are a framework for school leaders, headteachers, and careers advisors to assess the development of their pupils in employability skills. 

International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) (Link)

iCeGS have conducted a high volume of critical national and international studies, specifically into the areas of careers: education, development, and policy etc, for both academic journals, policymaking bodies and careers service providers. Consequently, their research library contains relevant papers and reports to this area, as well as many related topics.

National Association for Primary Education (Link)

NAPE is a membership body that work to create resources, courses and other products that help to enhance primary school education.

National Careers Development Association (US) (Link)

The NCDA is the United States membership body for careers professionals. As well as publishing periodic larger scale research, practitioners actively contribute short practice articles by way of small-scale evaluation, reflection or learnings, particularly through their Career Convergence magazine. All career stages are covered, including Elementary education, equivalent to Primary in the UK. 

National Foundation for Educational Research (Link)

The foundation produce a wide body of research studies and evaluations aimed at improving education outcomes by informing different key decisions facing schools and policy makers. A number of their studies have covered careers explicitly, while there has been more still covering the relationship between education and employability. 

Nuffield Foundation (Link)
The Nuffield Foundation is an independent charitable trust with a mission to advance educational opportunity and social well-being. Research informs social policy, primarily in Education, Welfare and Justice. 

OECD: Education (Link)

The OECD publish intensely both research studies and data sets into education. Topics span outcome measures, national policies, teacher capabilities, future/forecasting studies – but there is a specific section on career readiness. The focus of the work appears more orientated towards secondary education.

Primary Futures (Link)

Primary Futures is a programme run in partnership with the NAHT that connects primary schools with diverse workplace volunteers to take part in aspirational activities and talk with children about their jobs. The resource provides a range of case studies and success stories.

PiXL Club (Link)

PiXL was born out of the DfE's 'The London Challenge', a school improvement programme set up by the government in 2003. It provides a network for collaboration and shared support between schools.  Amongst their various proposition, they support primary schools. PiXL are not a research organisation, but do produce content that create insight for the sector.

Skills Development Scotland (Link)

SDS are “The national body supporting the people and businesses of Scotland to develop and apply their skills”, providing public career services. They have also published research to inform career sector development for the future.

Teach First (Link)

Teach First are the UK’s largest teacher training programme. They publish various research and policy reports that describe the sector’s challenges.

The Children’s Commissioner for England (Link)

The Children’s Commission provides a stream of ongoing research into children’s lives in the UK, with a particular focus on disadvantage, offering context and insight into such groups. 

UNESCO: Early Childhood and Care (Link)

UNESCO is the “UNESCO is the United Nations Laboratory of Ideas”. Research and data sources provide an international perspective, cross cutting themes and studies relating to wider global contexts to education, such as ‘sustainability’ and ‘democracy’. 

6. Journals/publications

Research is disseminated in a wide range of journals, grey literature and conferences or events. In our own database of papers, we found the following had produced several papers relating to careers, primary education and related themes, so are another place to conduct a deeper search.



British Journal of Guidance and Counselling (Link)

The aim of the British Journal of Guidance & Counselling is to publish work that sets trends and provokes fresh thought and innovation in the practice and understanding of counselling, psychotherapy and career guidance. The journal seeks to communicate, enrich and advance theory, research, policy and practice in these fields. 

Career Development International (Link)

Career Development International provides a platform for research in the areas of Careers and Development that deals with questions of theories and theory development, as well as with organizational career strategy, policy and practice. 

(Formerly called the International Journal of Career Management)

Career Exploration and Development in Childhood (Link)

This one paper-collection explores career exploration and development in childhood from a range of international contexts. As well as covering theory and development, there is content on the ‘facilitation of exploration and development’.

Child Development (Link)

Child Development, the flagship journal of the Society for Research in Child Development, has published articles, essays, reviews, and tutorials on various topics in the field of Child Development for almost 100 years. While few are directly related to careers education, research often provides deeper understand and context.

Early Childhood Education Journal (Link)

The journal covers contemporary early childhood education. Articles cover the social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children age birth through 8, analysing issues, trends, and practices from an educational perspective.

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance (Link)

The publication is dedicated to promoting the importance of educational and vocational guidance globally. It publishes articles related to work, leisure, career development, counselling, guidance, and education, so including but broader that career guidance.

Journal of Career Development (Link)

The Journal of Career Development (JCD) provides professionals in counselling, psychology, education, student personnel, human resources, and business management with the most up-to-date concepts, ideas, and methodology in career development theory, research, and practice.

Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (Link)

The journal covers all areas of careers education, counselling and advice and careers work in schools, colleges, universities, training providers, in the workplace, in organisational and in community settings.  

7. Data sources

Some useful contextual data sources are provided below. These are particularly useful for study trends over time or comparing different geographies. 



OECD Data Explorer (Link)

The OECD measure a wide range of economic and social indicators including education and employment values. Metrics on primary schools include Inclusion time in education by country and subject. 

Children’s Commissioner (2024), The Big Ambition Survey (Link)

In March 2024, the England Children’s Commission published a major study called ‘The Big Ambition’ which captured the experiences and hopes of more than 250,000 youngers from 6-18, from a cross-section of background. A specific survey was designed for 6–11-year-old, providing good context for the feelings and hopes of this age group. Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England (Link)

The government produce data on school performance for primary, secondary and special needs schools and colleges: exam results, Ofsted reports and financial information. 

Office of National Statistics, ‘All data related to education and childcare’ (Link)

The repository provides 38 data sets on various aspects of youth and childcare.